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(5 years - 6 years)


The third year of the Early Childhood Program is a culmination of the skills and growth which have taken place within the child from the first two years and the evolution of leadership developed during this final year. This final year (Kindergarten), a vital component of the Early Childhood Program, is key to a positive and well prepared transition to the elementary level.


Exploring extensions of the activities in the classroom are encouraged, leading to the development of critical thinking skills, self-direction, cooperative learning, time management, and leadership. Participating in small and large group projects provide opportunities to better develop cooperative work skills and leadership.


Third Year (Kindergärtners), become leaders not only in their 3 – 6 year classrooms, but for all of their younger peers in school. They may take responsibilities such as reading to children in Toddler classrooms, assist teachers with organizing projects, participate in community volunteer work, and other various activities leading to confidence and a positive self-esteem. These are truly valuable life lessons.


GMS encourages parent participation with our program. Chaperoning field trips, sharing a skill or expertise with the group or assisting the children in projects and events are all ways parents can support the children and program.


Finally, periodic meetings between teachers and parents are held outlining curriculum and agendas throughout the year. Report Cards are issued three times a year keeping families informed of their child’s progress. With this strong support and guidance, the children are prepared for their next journey.

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